Boosting yields and improving returns on your crop production investments.
For nearly a century, Pioneer has developed the traits and technologies that help corn and soybean growers meet their local and regional growing challenges. For the best yield potential and agronomics across a broad range of maturities, choose Pioneer® brand products.
Nobody knows corn like Pioneer. We’re advancing corn breeding and genetics, building from 90 years of innovation.
Pioneer delivers a wide range of soybean seed choices, from conventional soybeans to high-performing GMO options, that bring even more value to your operation.
Elite genetics, strong agronomics and high yield potential make Pioneer brand sunflowers proven performers.
With exceptional nutritional quality, Pioneer brand corn silage consistently leads tonnage and starch performance in side-by-side comparisons. Put Pioneer silage products to work on your acres.
Pioneer brand canola delivers superior disease resistance and herbicide-tolerant traits to maximize yield potential.
Sorghum-sudangrass hybrids have high yield potential provided adequate rainfall or irrigation. They are designed for multiple harvests and can be stored as silage or hay when properly wilted or dried down.
See how our agronomy information and insights can help increase your profit per acre.
We’ve built our business — and our reputation — on solid values.
If you don’t shoot straight with customers, they won’t come back. We offer honest and forthright answers to customer questions and base these answers on our experience and extensive product knowledge.
Whether we’re delivering seed or providing an agronomic consultation, we show up on time — so you can plan your workday accordingly.
At North Border Seed, our business depends on your success. From top-quality seed to fast service to solid agronomic advice, we’re here to help, all year long.
North Border Seed works with you to offer unique solutions that maximize your productivity and profitability, acre after acre.
Imagine a personalized mix of products, services, and agronomic insights that meets your individual needs. Imagine detailed, on-farm data enhanced by our understanding of the region. That’s North Border Seed.
Let’s start boosting those yields.